Swimming: Jack-Knife Dive

Individual Sport: Diving
The Jack-Knife
Skill Analysis[HRB1]
Preparatory Phase:
Feet together on the end of the diving board
Bend knees
Arms to the side of you
Execution Phase:
Lift one leg to make the board go down, then spring back up on both feet
Make sure to get height off the board
Hands raised in air
Bounce off the board with legs in straight position
Continue with legs still in a straight position
Take off board in standing position
When in air, hips bend and arms go to pike position which is where you touch your feet with your[HRB2] hands quickly
Head remains forward and looks down into the pool
Feet pointing downward
Legs together
Follow Through
Body in the straight position with arms in front
Smooth transition to straight body
Arms extended with arms pointing down to the water
Legs together in the back[HRB3] and kick out
Land straight in water

Teaching Cues[HRB4] :

1. 1. Start at the end of the board with knees bent
2. 2. Jump towards the ceiling
3. 3. Bend, touch, and snap
4. 4. Arms reaching for water
5. 5. Land!

High school:
Trampolines will be used in this school. The kids will practice touching their toes and landing on their[HRB5] feet so the teacher can get an idea of their abilities in order to actually perform the dive on the board. The students will practice on the diving board, touching their toes and landing in the pool feet first, not diving.
Task: to get them used to jumping in the air and getting the movement down and the fluidity of the movement down before they go off the diving board.
They land with their feet first.
Middle school[HRB6] :
Start out by stretching to get them loosened up
Task: get them used to the height that is needed to perform the dive
Have them do tasks on little trampolines to get them used to height and not being afraid of jumping high. Have the students practice touching their toes and jumping off the diving board to get height, landing in the pool feet first
Have something hanging from the ceiling that they have to reach, like a string that would be the perfect height to perform the dive.
There could be different stations depending on the height of the person so that it’s modified for everyone.
Resources: any other resources?
(2009, ). Retrieved Feb. 10, 2009,
from http://www.ehow.com/how_2086082_do-jack-knife-dive.html%20