Gymnastics: Back Roll With a Handstand

Gymnastics: Back Roll with a Hand Stand

Skill Analysis
Stand in an upright position
Extend arms over head
Hands high as possible, finger tips pointed up
Shoulders next to ears, body should be in a perfect vertical line
Eyes looking straight forward
Sit down without bending knees
Keep balls of feet on floor as long as possible to keep ankles fully extended
While descending, lean forward with upper body
Keep knees and elbows fully extended
As buttocks contacts the floor, lean back and put you’re hands down behind you
Fingers should touch floor first, fingers pointed in
Let hands slide on the floor forwards while you roll backwards, legs should begin to point straight up
Tuck chin in towards chest
Round back slightly, contract abs
Roll backwards, standing up on extended arms pushing backwards at 45 degrees
Follow Through:
Kick one leg down with the other following (creating a staggered stance)
Stand up (Putting feet together)
Raise arms over head
Stand in upright position

Teaching Cues:
Ready Position
Frankenstein Sit
Tuck and Roll
High to the Sky

Upright Position
Drop Sit
45 Degree Push
Leg Drop/Arm Raise
Lead-up Task: High School Level
Round Off into Back Roll with a Handstand – Student’s begin the task by performing a “round off”. This is done by doing a basic cartwheel, bringing both legs together in the air, pushing shoulders to create speed, and turning the body so you land facing the area you started from. At this point students will be in the ready position for the back roll to handstand, and students could drop right into to performing the task.

Lead-up Task: Middle School Level:
Students could practice the back roll handstand from a sitting position. This would allow them to work on just the back roll right into the handstand without having to worry about dropping from the standing position. Emphasis on specific steps to the back roll can be worked on in this situation, such as tucking the chin into chest, swinging legs over head, pressing the floor with hands, etc.