Softball: Catching a Fly Ball
Feet shoulder width apart
Knees bent
Arms out in front
Watch batter
Line up glove and body with ball
Turn fingers of glove up
Throwing hand behind glove
Catch ball on throwing hand side
Extend arm, elbow slightly bent
Give when ball makes contact
Follow through:
Squeeze glove around ball
Grab with other hand, ready to throw
Elementary: Knees Bent, Line up Glove, Squeeze
Secondary: Knees Bent, Line up Glove, Give, Squeeze
Modified Game #1: Students put into groups of two and stand 15 to 20 feet apart. Each person has a glove but just one ball per group. One person starts with their glove and the other throws them five fly balls. After five they switch. After the first round the thrower should mix the types of throws.
Modified Game #2: Students are put into groups of five. One student starts in the center and the others evenly space themselves around that person. The person in the center has a glove and everyone else has a softball. The surrounding students should be at least 15 to 20 feet away. The center student starts facing one person and that person throws them a fly-ball. The center person catches and grabs the ball quickly, then puts it down. Then they rotate clockwise until they’ve caught a fly-ball from all four students. After one round the next student goes to the center.
How To Catch a Softball. 1999-2009 eHow, Inc. http://www.ehow.com/how_15782_catch-softball.html
Smith, Michele. The coach’s guide to game-winning softball drills: developing the essential skills in every player. McGraw-Hill, 2008.
Oster, Don. A Young Softball Player’s Guide to Fielding and Defense. Lyons Press, 2007.
Feet shoulder width apart
Knees bent
Arms out in front
Watch batter
Line up glove and body with ball
Turn fingers of glove up
Throwing hand behind glove
Catch ball on throwing hand side
Extend arm, elbow slightly bent
Give when ball makes contact
Follow through:
Squeeze glove around ball
Grab with other hand, ready to throw
Elementary: Knees Bent, Line up Glove, Squeeze
Secondary: Knees Bent, Line up Glove, Give, Squeeze
Modified Game #1: Students put into groups of two and stand 15 to 20 feet apart. Each person has a glove but just one ball per group. One person starts with their glove and the other throws them five fly balls. After five they switch. After the first round the thrower should mix the types of throws.
Modified Game #2: Students are put into groups of five. One student starts in the center and the others evenly space themselves around that person. The person in the center has a glove and everyone else has a softball. The surrounding students should be at least 15 to 20 feet away. The center student starts facing one person and that person throws them a fly-ball. The center person catches and grabs the ball quickly, then puts it down. Then they rotate clockwise until they’ve caught a fly-ball from all four students. After one round the next student goes to the center.
How To Catch a Softball. 1999-2009 eHow, Inc. http://www.ehow.com/how_15782_catch-softball.html
Smith, Michele. The coach’s guide to game-winning softball drills: developing the essential skills in every player. McGraw-Hill, 2008.
Oster, Don. A Young Softball Player’s Guide to Fielding and Defense. Lyons Press, 2007.