Soccer: Pass

Soccer: Passing the Ball

· Decide who you are passing to
· Make sure that person is open
· Place ball at feet
· Focus on the receiving player
· Arms hang loose

· Take a step back
· Plant your foot even with the ball
· Plant foot should be even with the target
· Toe down, ankle locked, foot slightly in
· Knee of kick foot is over the ball and bent
· Standing leg is bent at the knee for balance
· Upper body leaning slightly over planted foot
· With inside of foot, connect solidly with middle of the ball
· Or with outside of foot, connect with the laces of the shoe

Follow through:
· Bring the leg up

Teaching Cues

o Ball at feet
o Toe down, foot slightly in
o Inside of the foot hits the center of the ball

o Ball at feet
o Take a step back
o Toe down, ankle locked, foot slightly in
o Connect with the inside of foot and middle of the ball
o Or with outside of foot, connect with the laces

Leading up Tasks: Middle School Students- A good lead up task for middle school students is a drill called “Pass and Move Drill.” This game consists of three lines of players behind three cones, arranged in a triangle. The player in front of each line passes the ball over to the next. As the player completes his/her pass, they move over to the back of the line that is opposite to the direction of his pass.

Leading up Tasks: High School Students- A good lead up task for high school students is a drilled called “Combination Passing.” This game has three evenly spaced players advance the ball forward through combinations of dribbling and passing. The ball is always dribbled to the middle and passed to the outside.

Expert Football. “Passing Drills.” Retrieved March 18th, 2009, from

Hopper, Christopher A. Ph.D. and Davis, Michael S. Ph.D. Coaching Soccer Effectively. Illinois. Human Kinetics Books, 1988.

Saif, Mike; Michler, Terry. “Five Favorite Practices of Michler Terry and Mike Saif.” Soccer Journal. Jan/Feb 2009 Vol. 54 Issue 1 p.36. SPORTDiscus with full text.