Soccer: Dribble

Soccer: Dribbling the ball

Skill Analysis:
§ Stand with feet shoulder width apart
§ Place ball at feet*
§ Leave room in front of you
§ Focus on ball
§ Arms hang loose

§ Kick ball lightly with inside of right foot*
§ Aim ball up and to the left, at 45 degree angle
§ Step forward with left foot, intercepting the ball*
§ Kick ball lightly with inside of left foot
§ Aim ball up and back to the right, 45 degree angle
§ Repeat these steps alternating left and right foot while moving forward*
§ Add a circular motion to your step
§ Step forward with right foot, make a semi-circle by stepping outside and curve foot back in*
§ Try to use outside of shoe to kick ball, using opposite foot of the side ball is on
§ Kick the ball back with inside of that foot

Follow Through:
§ Travel up and back designated distance
§ Stop ball with foot
§ Back into ready position with feet shoulder width apart

Teaching Cues:
§ Ball at feet
§ Inside sneaker pass
§ Pass ball between feet
§ Keep ball inside
§ Ball at feet
§ Inside foot pass
§ Dribble back and forth
§ Circular motion

Lead up Tasks: High School Students - A good lead up task for a high school level student would be a game called “dribble across the square.” This game consists of 4 cones set up to make a square with 10 to 12 students all lined up around the square facing in, each with a soccer ball. On “go” have the players dribble across the square and back (use an imaginary line on opposite side of square). The players keep track of how many times they make it across the square and back in a certain amount of time. The purpose of this is to emphasize control dribbling, speed dribbling, shielding the ball, being able to look up while dribbling, and how to successfully dribble through traffic.
Lead up Tasks: Middle School Students – A good lead up task for a middle school level student would be to practice dribbling the ball in a “break away”. The student should focus on kicking the ball about six yards in front of body, then run full speed to ball kicking it again. Practice this first without a defender, and then later on a defender could be used to focus on kicking ball past the defender and work on kicking the ball away from the defenders feet.

E-How: How to do just about everything. “How to dribble a soccer ball.” Retrieved March 18th, 2009, from
Huddleston, David&Kay. Soccer Practice Games. “Dribbling Across A Square”. Retrieved March 18, 2009 from <>
Saif, Mike; Michler, Terry. “Five Favorite Practices of Michler Terry and Mike Saif.” Soccer Journal. Jan/Feb 2009 Vol. 54 Issue 1 p.36. SPORTDiscus with full text.